# Services

Services are a set of reusable functions. They are particularly useful to respect the "don’t repeat yourself" (DRY) programming concept and to simplify controllers logic.

# Implementation

Services can be generated or added manually. Strapi provides a createCoreService factory function that automatically generates core services and allows building custom ones or extend or replace the generated services.

# Adding a new service

A new service can be implemented:

To manually create a service, export a factory function that returns the service implementation (i.e. an object with methods). This factory function receives the strapi instance:

πŸ€“ Entity Service API

To get started creating your own services, see Strapi's built-in functions in the Entity Service API documentation.

Example of a custom email service (using Nodemailer)

The goal of a service is to store reusable functions. A sendNewsletter service could be useful to send emails from different functions in our codebase that have a specific purpose:

The service is now available through the strapi.service('api::restaurant.restaurant').sendNewsletter(...args) global variable. It can be used in another part of the codebase, like in the following controller:


When a new content-type is created, Strapi builds a generic service with placeholder code, ready to be customized.

# Extending core services

Core services are created for each content-type and could be used by controllers to execute reusable logic through a Strapi project. Core services can be customized to implement your own logic. The following code examples should help you get started.

πŸ’‘ TIP

A core service can be replaced entirely by creating a custom service and naming it the same as the core service (e.g. find, findOne, create, update, or delete).

Collection type examples
Single type examples

# Usage

Once a service is created, it's accessible from controllers or from other services:

// access an API service
// access a plugin service

πŸ’‘ TIP

To list all the available services, run yarn strapi services:list.